Découvre ici comment la petite Anne est devenue le symbole d'un peuple persécuté et pourquoi son journal intime est lu par le monde entier
Anne Frank est une jeune fille insouciante comme les autres lorsque Hitler arrive au pouvoir.
Comment le journal d'Anne Frank est-il devenu un bestseller mondial ?
Restitue la vie d'Anne Frank, une petite fille juive exilée aux Pays-Bas pour fuir l'Allemagne nazie.
This classic series of plays, novels, and stories has been adapted, in a friendly format, for students reading at a various levels.Reading Level: 4-8Interest Level: 6-12
Traces the life of the Jewish girl who chronicled her day-to-day life in a diary as she hid in an attic in Amsterdam during World War II.
A biography of the thirteen-year-old Jewish girl whose diary, published after her death in a Nazi concentration camp, made her famous all over the world.
A biography of the thirteen-year-old Jewish girl whose diary, published after her death in a Nazi concentration camp, made her famous all over the world.
An introduction to Anne Frank and the circumstances that affected her life and brought about her death in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.
... klas . In het begin liepen we veel met de jongens maar het koelt nu wel weer wat af , gelukkig , want ze worden echt vervelend . In dezelfde brief meldde Anne ook dat poes Moortje al een halfjaar deel uitmaakte van het huishouden en dat ...
Discusses the life of Anne Frank, focusing on the years she and her family spent in hiding and the impact of her story upon the world.
Describes the background in which Anne Frank's life and diary were set as she hid in an attic in Nazi-occupied Holland for two years.
When she turned thirteen years old, Anne received a gift that would change her life: a personal diary.
Bli kjent med den modige jødiske jenta som skrev dagbok om familiens skjebne under andre verdenskrig.
Traces the life of the young Jewish girl whose diary chronicles the years she and her family hid from the Nazis in an Amsterdam attic.
While her family hid during the Holocaust, Anne Frank recorded her personal reflections as well as the harrowing circumstances she faced in her diary. Read about her life before and after the start of World War II.
A collection of essays documents the life of Anne Frank, including her childhood, time in hiding, and the time she spent in a Nazi concentration camp before her death and the release of the diary that became world famous.
Traces the life of a Jewish girl who chronicled her day-to-day life in a diary as she hid in an attic in Nazi-occupied Holland for two years.
"In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart " Born in the shadow of war and forced into hiding for more than two years, Anne Frank could still fill her beloved diary with heart and hope.
True or False? Anne had to go to school even when she and her family were in hiding from Nazi soldiers during World War II.