
  • Antigone
    By Sophocles

    Of these, seven complete tragedies remain, among them the famed Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus. In Antigone, he reveals the fate that befalls the children of Oedipus.

  • Antigone
    By Luc Ferry

    Antigone, fille d'Œdipe et sœur de Polynice, décide pourtant de braver l'interdit et d'enterrer son frère. Elle oppose ainsi la loi des dieux et du cœur à celle des hommes et de la cité, et ce faisant s'expose à la peine de mort..."

  • Antigone
    By Henry Bauchau

    Après avoir suivi son père Œdipe, le roi aveugle, jusqu'au bout de son parcours, Antigone rentre à Thèbes pour tenter d'apaiser la colère de ses deux frères qui se disputent le trône.

  • Antigone: A New Adaptation of the Classic Greek Tragedy
    By Hollie McNish

    A modern retelling of Sophocles' classic play, Antigone, by bestselling writer and poet Hollie McNish As the daughter of Oedipus, Antigone was dealt a cruel hand at birth - even within the bounds of Grecian tragedy.

  • Antigone
    By Sophocles

    Under the editorship of Peter Burian and Alan Shapiro, each of these volumes includes a critical introduction, commentary on the text, full stage directions, and a glossary of the mythical and geographical references in the plays.

  • Antigone
    By Sophocles

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.

  • Antigone: By Sophocles - Illustrated
    By Sophocles

    Most of them use low-quality papers & binding. Their pages fall off easily. Some of them even use very small font size of 6 or less to increase their profit margin. It makes their books completely unreadable. How is this book unique?

  • Antigone
    By Sophocles

    Sophocles addresses themes of civil disobedience, fidelity, and love for family; and questions which law is greater: the gods' or man's—in this play that challenged many established mores of Ancient Greece.

  • Antigone
    By Sophocles

    This is an English translation of Sophocles’ tragedy of Antigone and her fate when she decides to bury her dead brother Polyneices.

  • Antigone: Sophocles' Art, Hölderlin's Insight
    By Katharina Holzermayr Rosenfield

    Building on Hölderlin, Rosenfield brings out what is 'modern' in classical Greek drama: the conscience of permanent unsettling shifts in human actions, intentions and feelings, the gripping, unspoken secrets hidden in the ironies of the ...

  • Antigone
    By Efimia D. Karakantza

    This book explores the figure of Antigone and her many reconceptualizations from antiquity to the present.

  • Antigone
    By Sophocles

    For readers, actors, students, teachers, and theatrical directors, this affordable paperback edition of one of the greatest plays in the history of the western world provides the best combination of contemporary, powerful language, along ...

  • Antigone
    By Sophocles, Richmond Lattimore


  • Antigone
    By Sophocles

    The Pearson Education Library Collection offers you over 1200 fiction, nonfiction, classic, adapted classic, illustrated classic, short stories, biographies, special anthologies, atlases, visual dictionaries, history trade, animal, sports titles and...

  • Antigone
    By Sophocles

    Antigone, defying her uncle Creon's decree that her brother should remain unburied, challenges the morality of man's law overruling the laws of the gods.

  • Antigone: Study Guide
    By Total Class Notes

    Don't want to read the actual book? Tired of reading super long reviews? This new study guide is perfect for you!! This study guide provides a short and concise review guide of Antigone by Sophocles.

  • Antigone: In Plain and Simple English
    By Sophocles, BookCaps Study Guides Staff

    The play expands on the Theban legend that predated it and picks up where Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes ends. The original text is also presented in the book, along with a comparable version of both text.

  • Antigone
    By Sophocles


  • Antigone
    By Sophocles, E. H. Plumptre

    The second story in the Oedipus Trilogy, "Antigone", examines the conflict between public duty and personal loyalty.

  • Antigone: A Play
    By Jean Anouilh

    Full Length, Tragedy Characters: 7 male, 4 female Various sets This incisive translation of the classic drama is by the noted British playwright, translator and director.