Anxiety is one of those entltles which everyone "knows", but which ultimately resists simple objective description.
" In this book, you will read case studies of people living with anxiety disorders and how they handle their conditions.
Clinical cases are used throughout the book to enhance understanding of and illustrate specific disorders, comorbid conditions and clinical issues.
Ossetin J. Methods and problems in the assessment of cognitive function in epileptic patients. In: Trimble M. Reynolds E., ... In: Psychiatric controversies in epilepsy (Eds. A. M. Kanner, S.Schachter). Academic press, Amsterdam,2008: ...
Anxiey, in general, helps one to cope. It rouses a person to action and gears one up to face a threatening situation. It makes students study harder for exams, and...
This book will be a practical textbook based on the courses held for the European Certificate in Anxiety and Mood Disorders. The Certificate is an international post graduate programme in...
Drs. Stephen M. Stahl and Bret A. Moore have created an instant classic in Anxiety Disorders: A Guide for Integrating Psychopharmacology and Psychotherapy.
This book contains the critical disorder-specific content from these four titles: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5®) DSM-5® Clinical Cases DSM-5® Self-Exam Questions DSM-5® Guidebook Anxiety ...
Real-life case studies and information from experts provides tools young people need to understand various anxiety disorders.
Engaging, comprehensive, and reassuring, this is an essential Go-To Guide.
Drs. Stephen M. Stahl and Bret A. Moore have created an instant classic in Anxiety Disorders: A Guide for Integrating Psychopharmacology and Psychotherapy.
Anxiety disorders are not uncommon and are often ‘comorbid’ with other forms of mental disorders. This publication provides an update on the origins and the causes of anxiety disorders and their related symptoms.
The editors have built Anxiety Disorders: New Insights for the Healthcare Professional: 2013 Edition on the vast information databases of ScholarlyNews.™ You can expect the information about Additional Research in this book to be deeper ...
Alternative treatments are also covered. Student researchers and readers will find this book easily accessible through its careful and conscientious editing and a thorough introduction to each essay.
From obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) to phobias to generalized anxiety disorder, millions of people suffer from clinical anxiety that affects their everyday lives.