
  • Apocalypse
    By Susan Hart

    #4 in the series FBI Agent Lili Foxworthy.

  • Apocalypse: A History of the End of Time
    By John Michael Greer

    The Mayans named it 4 Ahau 3 Kankin. To us it is 21 December, 2012. On this day, it is said, the world will come to an end. This is not the first time we've been told that our time is up. And - touch wood - it probably won't be the last.

  • Apocalypse
    By Clive Barker, Chris Ryall


  • Apocalypse: #4 in the Series FBI Agent Lili Foxworthy
    By Susan Hart

    #4 in the series FBI Agent Lili Foxworthy.

  • Apocalypse: a Poem
    By Michael Adams

    And Corporation built a machine Whose pulse turned war into peace The people walked, free from fear Dazed from bliss, the ignorance of uniformity Over lifetimes, a free soul is born only to be reborn.

  • Apocalypse: The Great Day of the Lord for the Righteous
    By Randal S. Chase

    To Orson Hyde, Luke S. Johnson, Lyman E. Johnson, and William E. McLellin the Lord said, “Be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me.”The witness He wishes us to ...

  • Apocalypse
    By A.J. Llewellyn, D.J. Manly

    This book was formerly published and has been re-released. The Apocalypse which has been foretold is now here. Vampires and humans scavenge for survival. Carden, the Pureblood vampire must decide...fulfill his destiny or sacrifice Rory.

  • Apocalypse: Earth
    By James Martin

    Ridgeway knew that to try and engage the Soviet juggernaut directly would probably achieve little more than gutting his division in return for some false glory, but instead sought to find a weakness. Even Stalin could not be strong ...

  • Apocalypse
    By Tim Bowler

    After a dramatic accident Kit and his parents find themselves washed up on a small island.

  • Apocalypse
    By Troy Denning

    THERE IS AN EMERGENCY ACCESS REQUEST AT THE TUNNEL HATCH. “An emergency request?” Han turned toward the back of the loading bay, where the access tunnel began its run into the Jedi Temple. The iris hatch was already half dilated, ...

  • Apocalypse: And the Writings on Revelation
    By D.H. Lawrence

    This collection of writings by the author of Sons and Lovers presents his thoughts on religion, art, psychology and politics in a newly restored text.

  • Apocalypse
    By Sophie Lovell, George Kafka, Fiona Shipwright

    7 “The Shocking Doomsday Maps Of The World And The Billionaire Escape Plans”, Jim Dobson, Forbes, June 10, 2017. forbes.com/sites/ jimdobson/2017/06/10/ the-shocking-doomsdaymaps-of-the-world-and-thebillionaire-escape-plans/ ...

  • Apocalypse: A People's Commentary on the Book of Revelation
    By Pablo Richard

    Far from being all alike , apocalyptic responses are varied . What they all have in common is the creation of a symbolic universe on which the life of the community depends , an alternative to the ...

  • Apocalypse: From Antiquity to the Empire of Modernity
    By John R. Hall

    To some, the revolution thus no longer seems as “modern” as it once did.5 But there is an alternative interpretation. Perhaps sacred violence became articulated with modernity. The apocalyptic does not always play out in a violent way, ...

  • Apocalypse: An Apocalyptic Microfiction Anthology
    By D. Kershaw

    What will bring the end of the world upon us? Zombies? Robots? Nuclear war? Aliens? Or, worse...humankind? What miracles can more than one hundred debut to bestselling authors do with 100 words?

  • Apocalypse
    By Troy Denning

    Jedi and Sith face off - with Coruscant as their battlefield.

  • Apocalypse: On the Psychology of Fundamentalism in America
    By Charles B. Strozier

    In Apocalypse, psychoanalyst and historian Charles B. Strozier offers a rare and intimate look at the inner lives of such believers through a study of fundamentalist Christians in New York City today.

  • Apocalypse: How to Survive a Global Crisis
    By Dan Martin

    Will the world, as we know it, end in our time? It's the intention of this book to teach you what you'll need to know IF it does.

  • Apocalypse: The Coming Judgement of the Nations
    By Grant R. Jeffrey

    Apocalypse: The Coming Judgement of the Nations

  • Apocalypse: The Book of Revelation
    By Jacques Ellul

    This edition also comes with a new foreword by Jacob Marques Rollison who provides an essential aid for guiding readers through Ellul’s thorough engagement with Revelation.