The first example illustrates the SPSS REGRESSION program, and uses data from Morrison (1983) on 32 students enrolled in an MBA course. We predict instructor course evaluation from five predictors. The second example illustrates SAS REG ...
Features new to this edition include: NEW chapter on Logistic Regression (Ch. 11) that helps readers understand and use this very flexible and widely used procedure NEW chapter on Multivariate Multilevel Modeling (Ch. 14) that helps readers ...
Noted for its breadth and depth of coverage of multivariate statistics and its emphasis on power, this classic text focuses on a conceptual understanding of the material rather than on proving results.
This book was written for those who will be using, rather than developing, advanced statistical methods.
This best-selling text is written for those who use, rather than develop, advanced statistical methods. Dr. Stevens focuses on a conceptual understanding of the material rather than proving results.
Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences: Analyses with SAS and IBM's SPSS
This successful text includes: *coverage of both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis plus illustrations of LISREL and EQS; *the EXAMINE procedure from SPSSX--terrific for exploring data; *a new section on the doubly multivariate ...
This successful text includes: *coverage of both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis plus illustrations of LISREL and EQS; *the EXAMINE procedure from SPSSX--terrific for exploring data; *a new section on the doubly multivariate ...
Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences
This book was written for those who will be using, rather than developing, advanced statistical methods. It focuses on a conceptual understanding of the material rather than proving results. It...
Of Important Points -- Two-Group Multivariate Analysis Of Variance -- Four Statistical Reasons for Preferring a Multivariate Analysis -- The Multivariate Test Statistic as a Generalization of Univariate t --...
CD-ROM contains: Data sets.
This book was written for those who will be using, rather than developing, advanced statistical methods.