Applied Statistics for the Social and Health Sciences

  • Applied Statistics for the Social and Health Sciences
    By Rachel A. Gordon

    This book is for use in a two-semester graduate course sequence covering basic univariate and bivariate statistics and regression models for nominal and ordinal outcomes, in addition to covering ordinary least squares regression.

  • Applied Statistics for the Social and Health Sciences
    By Rachel A. Gordon

    5.6.1: Weighted Mean The weighted mean is defined as follows (Kish 1965; Lee & Forthofer 2006; SAS Institute, 2008a: 6487; StataCorp 2009d: 1024):13 (5.3) where n is the sample size, i represents each individual case, Y i are the values ...

  • Applied Statistics for the Social and Health Sciences
    By Rachel A. Gordon

    Like our semester-long text Regression Analysis for the Social Sciences, the year-long text Applied Statistics for the Social and Health Sciences aims to address this current landscape. The goal of the books is to provide graduate ...

  • Applied Statistics for the Social and Health Sciences
    By Rachel A. Gordon

    Key features of the book include: interweaving the teaching of statistical concepts with examples from publicly available social and health science data and literature excerpts; thoroughly integrating the teaching of statistical theory with ...

  • Applied Statistics for the Social and Health Sciences
    By Rachel A. Gordon

    For graduate students in the social and health sciences, featuring essential concepts and equations most often needed in scholarly publications.