For example, the name of one of the masks was Bukea and his map of life had the following texts: Page 1: Bukea lives in the forest Page 2: Bukea is a nocturnal animal. He lives where there are large trees, useful for wood.
"Applied Theatre: Research is the first book to consolidate thinking about applied theatre as research through a thorough investigation of ATAR as a research methodology.
Applied Theatre: Performing Health and Wellbeing is the first volume in the field to address the role that theatre, drama and performance have in relation to promoting, developing and sustaining health and wellbeing in diverse communities.
This book explores the practice of theatre in communities, social institutions and with marginalised groups. It shifts between context and country to examine different ways that theatre has been applied to a wide range of social issues.
Ministry of Justice (2020), 'Population Bulletin: Weekly 17 July 2020', Gov. uk. ... Available online: http://connections. (accessed 18 May 2015). National Theatre (2016) ...
Applied theatre is both a term and a movement that's gathering momentum. The movement springs from the desire to change or transform human behavior through the medium of theatre. In...
Katharine E. Low is a practitioner and researcher in socially engaged theatre and sexual health, with fifteen years' ... in South Africa for Palgrave Macmillan, Applied Theatre and Sexual Health Communication: Apertures of Possibility.
Kershaw, B. (2004), 'Pathologies of Hope in Drama and Theatre', in M. Balfour (ed.), Theatre in Prisons: Theory and Practice, 35–51, London: Intellect. Khan, Y. (2014), 'National Theatre Connections Festival', Rehearsal Room, 20 March.
"The book offers a compelling combination of analyis and detailed description of aesthetic projects with young refugee arrivals in Australia.
The Applied Theatre series is a major innovation in applied theatre scholarship, bringing together leading ... and Michael Anderson ISBN 978-1-4725-0961-1 Applied Theatre: Resettlement Drama, Refugees and Resilience Michael Balfour, ...
The Applied Theatre series is a major innovation in applied theatre scholarship, bringing together leading ... and Michael Anderson ISBN 978-1-472-50961-1 Applied Theatre: Resettlement Drama, Refugees and Resilience Michael Balfour, ...
The Applied Theatre series is a major innovation in applied theatre scholarship, bringing together leading international ... UK) Applied Theatre: Aesthetics Gareth White ISBN 978-1-4725-1355-7 Applied Theatre: Resettlement Drama, ...
The Applied Theatre series is a major innovation in applied theatre scholarship, bringing together leading international ... UK) Applied Theatre: Development Tim Prentki ISBN 978-1-4725-0986-4 Applied Theatre: Resettlement Drama, ...
Balfour, M. (2001), Theatre and War 1933–1945: Performances in Extremis. Oxford: Berghahn Books. Balfour, M., Bundy, P., Burton, B., Dunn, J., and Woodrow, N. (2015), Applied Theatre Resettlement: Drama, Refugee and Resilience.
This reader-friendly text considers an international range of case studies in applied theatre through discussion questions, practical activities and detailed analysis of specific theatre projects globally."--Provided by the publisher.
Sedgwick, E. K. (1985), Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire, New York: Columbia University Press. ... Tyler, I. (2013), Revolting Subjects: Social Abjection and Resistance in Neoliberal Britain, London: Zed Books.
Brook's proposition is that holy theatre is a living example of 'the notion that the stage is a place where the invisible can appear',28 a means through which the virtual is made actual. Holy theatre, in this sense, shows a world that ...
"At once both guide book and provocation, this is an indispensable companion for students and practitioners of applied theatre.
The book re-examines questions of aesthetics in applied theatre by introducing new perspectives from comparative fields and incorporating a range of practical studies.
The second part of the book is made up of essays and case studies from leading experts and practitioners from Britain, America and Australia, including consideration of applied theatre approaches to dementia, health, wellbeing, social ...