Methods for checking normality include the use of Q–Q plots or formal tests for normality such as the Anderson–Darling test (see Anderson and Darling, 1952) and the Shapiro–Wilk test (see Shapiro and Wilk, 1965).
Including univariate and multivariate techniques, Applied Time Series Analysis provides data sets and program files that support a broad range of multidisciplinary applications, distinguishing this book from others.
Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Narayan C. Giri Computational Methods in ... Applied Statistical Inference with MINITAB®, Sally A. Lesik Nonparametric Statistical Inference, Fifth Edition, ...
Comprised of 10 chapters, this book begins by describing the application of parametric models to the analysis and control of time series using some numerical examples.
Preliminary concepts; Probability and statistical concepts; Collecting and preprocessing data; Design of digital filters; Practical aspects of digital filtering; Fourier transforms; Covariance and convolution functions; Power and cross spectral densities;...
Including univariate and multivariate techniques, Applied Time Series Analysis provides data sets and program files that support a broad range of multidisciplinary applications, distinguishing this book from others.