Is there anyone else? Because, if chosen, you're going to have to base your answers on the believable testimony. Yes, ma'am? MS. HOFFMAN: Lea Hoffman. I have a concern about any funds above maintenance of the child. MR.
And that clearly was not legislature's intent, it's not the law, it doesn't foster the policies that the our Supreme Court has articulated of not only compensating, but preventing and correcting. Comment: Public policy plays a key role ...
Art of Advocacy: Cross Examination of Non-Medical Experts
Matthew Bender Art of Advocacy Series Appeals Cross Examination of Medical Experts Cross Examination of Non-Medical Experts Demonstrative Evidence Direct Examination Discovery Documentary Evidence Jury Selection Opening Statement ...
Podiatrist's misdiagnosis of infection resulting in toe amputation, deposition regarding . . . . 24.00–24.82 Pre-anesthesia ... malpractice case .... 15.00–15.120 Prostate cancer case, gastroenterologist's deposition in defense in .
Art of Advocacy: Documentary Evidence