Niccolò Machiavelli's Art of War is one of the world's great classics of military and political theory.
"The Art of War is among the greatest classics of military literature ever written. Sun Tzu warfare is as applicable today as when the book was written some 2,500 years ago.... Pick up The Art of War and read it.
Written in 500 BC, The Art of War, by Sun Tzu, is the foremost war strategy manuscript. This book will teach you when to battle, when not to battle, how to battle, how not to battle, and how to win every time you battle.
This new edition includes an all-new introduction by the scholar of ancient Chinese literature, John Minford.
Written in the 5th century BC, 'The Art of War' is regarded as the definitive work of war and peace.
A success so brilliant confounded the coallition army, and promptly brought about a general peace. (adapted from: The Battle and the Breeze. Being Stories of Adventures by Land and Sea by R.M. Ballantyne) Battle of Fontenoy.
Great world conflicts have produced not only great military heroes but also great artists who have documented the heroism and the bloody battles. Spanning wars that have involved U.S. troops,...
Niccolò Machiavelli's Art of War is one of the world's great classics of military and political theory.
Niccolò Machiavelli's Art of War is one of the world's great classics of military and political theory.
The work strongly influenced Mao's writings about guerrilla warfare, which further influenced communist insurgencies around the world.In present edition of "The Art of War' in everyday English" We adapted the long-standing words of 2500 ...
Twenty-Five Hundred years ago, Sun Tzu wrote this classic book of military strategy based on Chinese warfare and military thought.
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The ancient precepts of battle and business, condensed and considered with cartoon accompaniment.
Art of War: From Crimea to Afghanistan