Arthur Hugh Clough

  • Arthur Hugh Clough: A Poet's Life
    By Anthony Kenny

    His tied house was ample for entertainment, and he could eat his meals in company in Hall. Several of his old Oxford friends were now themselves in London or nearby. Frederick Temple and F. T. Palgrave were both at Kneller Hall at ...

  • Arthur Hugh Clough: Selected Poems
    By Arthur Hugh Clough

    This book presents a selection of the full range of Arthur Hugh Clough's poetry, which explores the tensions of a time of radical changes in the religious, political, and literary landscape.

  • Arthur Hugh Clough: The Growth of a Poet's Mind
    By Evelyn Barish, Evelyn Barish Greenberger

    ... Clough's early debt to , 48-50 , 52 ; on laisser - faire , 59 , 80 ; Clough's later relationship to , 62-66 ; on labor problems , 71 , 74 ; influence on Retrenchment pamphlet , 86-88 ; and Emerson , 104 , 108 , 120 ; on Mazzini , 127 ...

  • Arthur Hugh Clough
    By John Schad

    ... Clough dreams of a history that is (somehow) inter-subjective, a form of face-to-face encounter. Crucial to this is St Paul's famous declaration that though `now we see [Christ ] through a ... Clough twice writes, `it 56 ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH.

  • Arthur Hugh Clough: Selected Writings
    By Arthur Hugh Clough

    ... Clough, ed. Blanche Clough (London: Macmillan, 1862) Letters and Remains of Arthur Hugh Clough, ed. Blanche Clough (London: Spottiswoode, 1865) The Poems and Prose Remains of Arthur Hugh Clough, ed. Blanche Clough, 2 vols (London ...

  • Arthur Hugh Clough: A Poet's Life
    By Anthony Kenny

    ... Clough's two volumes were joined in the bookshops by Matthew Arnold's first published collection of verse , The Strayed Reveller and other Poems , by A. The two poets were ... Clough at last realized his ambition of 154 ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH.

  • Arthur Hugh Clough: The Critical Heritage
    By Michael Thorpe

    ... Clough died early, in 1861, leaving much of his best work unpublished. In 1862 two selections appeared: The Poems of Arthur Hugh Clough, edited by his friend C. E. Norton and published in Boston, and in England Poems by Arthur Hugh ...