A collection of formal and informal English and Spanish reading assessments for students in grades K-12. Includes assessment instructions, assessments and teacher scoring forms.
This book contains a collection of formal and informal reading assessments for use with students in Grades k-12. These assessments assist the teacher in targeting areas of strength and weakness,...
Written by a leading authority in both language testing, and in the nature of reading in a second or foreign language, this book is the most comprehensive and up to date treatment of the assessment of reading in a foreign or second language ...
This book is the most comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of the assessment of reading in a foreign or second language.
8 ASSESSING OLDER STUDENTS ' RESPONSE TO FICTION Classroom - based activity to support system - wide assessment Mike Hamlin My career as a secondary - school teacher of English began in 1976. This was fortunate , as it meant that my ...
We would argue that the positions from literary theory outlined above are postmodern in their overthrowing of traditional notions of authority in text and meaning , in similar ways to those outlined in our account of some postmodern ...