Atlas of World History
The World Atlas of Archaeology Mitchell Beazley, London 1985/Portland House, New York 1988 Gardner, J.L. (ed.) ... London 1996 Muir, R. Muir's Historical Atlas: Ancient, Medieval and Modern Philip's, London 1963 Parker, G.I. (ed.) ...
Traces history from hunting in Africa in 10,000 BC and the decline of the Byzantine Empire to the growth of Atlantic economies in the eighteenth century and the standards of living since 1945.
A twenty-first-century view of the history of the whole world. Examines regions and events in a combination of full-color maps, fascinating test and lavish illustrations.
Synthesizing exceptional cartography and impeccable scholarship, the Atlas of World History traces 12,000 years of history with 450 full color maps and over 200,000 words of text. In addition, more...
Text, maps and illustrations present the history of the world from 4,000,000 BC to 1999.
Atlas of World History
Presents maps which depict historical events and their impact on human development, from the beginnings of civilization to the population of the United States in 1990
Atlas of World History
Text, maps, and illustrations present the history of the world from ancient times to the present day. Includes a chronology of important dates, a glossary, and reference tables.
From the breathtaking Hammond World Atlas, display on your coffee table or the full line of student atlases to cram into your back pack, no other publisher offers such a wide range of accurate, aggressively updated world reference titles.