The FAA (Federal Aviation Admin.), other federal agencies, and the aviation industry are implementing 31 recommendations on aviation security made by a White House Commission.
The terrorist attacks of 9/11 resulted in fundamental changes in the way the U.S. screens airport passengers & their property.
This testimony focuses on the progress TSA is making in strengthening aspects of aviation security and the challenges that remain.
One layer of the aviation security system involves the ability of the fed. gov¿t. to respond to actual or potential security threats while a commercial aircraft is in flight.
... some aspects of airport security technology, such as biometrics, industry association officials told us that the agency has not yet recommended specific technology based on the results of technology-based pilot programs it completed ...
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), within the Department of Homeland Security, screens or oversees the screening of more than 650 million air passengers annually at more than 450 airports nationwide, and attempts to balance ...
This is a public version of a report with Sensitive Security Information that GAO issued in December 2014. Information TSA deemed sensitive has been redacted.
TSA employs screening personnel, called TSOs, to carry out passenger and baggage screening operations. Each year, TSA tests TSO performance as part of its efforts to monitor the effectiveness of aviation security screening.
Published in 1998, this book examines the offence of unlawful interference with international civil aviation and analyses critically the legal and regulatory regime that applies thereto, with a view to recommending measures that are ...
This book examines the offence of unlawful interference with international civil aviation and analyses critically the legal and regulatory regime that applies thereto, with a view to recommending measures that are calculated to infuse a new ...
This new book examines additional proposals and actions not only from Congress, but the FAA as well.
The screening of airport passengers & their checked baggage is a critical component in securing our nation's commercial aviation system.
The U.S. Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS) has undergone a number of changes in recent years, including a 2003 transfer from the Transportation Security Admin. (TSA) to the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement Bureau (ICE), & a 2005 ...
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has spent billions of dollars on aviation security programs.
By deploying armed air marshals onboard selected flights, the Fed.