
  • Awakening: SELF
    By Todd Borandi

    I like to pick on Michael Jordan because he is the man who ironically, single handedly ruined my interest in professional basketball....Someday I hope to sincerely thank him in person for the experience and explain this to him.

  • Awakening: An Introduction to the History of Eastern Thought
    By Patrick S. Bresnan

    Under Genghiz's grandson Kublai Khan, China would become the home of the central authority, and from his capital at Khanbaliq (the site of modern Beijing), Kublai ruled an empire that stretched all the way to Russia and included parts ...

  • Awakening
    By Karen Sandler

    Fifteen-year-old Kayla's life has changed completely, but now she must save her fellow GENs from a deadly virus before she can focus on freeing them from slavery.

  • Awakening: Tankborn #2
    By Karen Sandler, Cerkiewicz Brianna

    Once a Chadi sector GEN girl terrified of her first Assignment, Kayla is now a member of the Kinship, a secret organization of GENs, lowborns, and trueborns.

  • Awakening
    By Karen Payton Holt

    I wrote this series after reading 'Twilight" and wishing that I knew more about Edward Cullen than Bella.

  • Awakening: How America Can Turn from Moral and Economic Destruction Back to Greatness
    By Ralph Reed

    Barbara A. Butrica and Karen E. Smith, “The Retirement Prospects of Divorced Women,” Social Security Bulletin 72, no. 1 (2012), U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of Retirement and Disability Policy, ...

  • Awakening
    By Robert Venditti

    Fan favorite writer Robert Venditti (Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps, The Flash) is joined by industry superstar Bryan Hitch (Justice League, The Ultimates) to redefine DC's winged wonder for a new era! Collects Hawkman #1-6

  • Awakening: Renewing the Spiritual Dimension of Humanity
    By Danny Kinane

    In Awakening: Renewing the Spiritual Dimension of Humanity, author Danny Kinane explores this apparent rift between spirituality and religion and instead posits that there is a transformative and important alignment between our human ...

  • Awakening
    By Kevin Denton

    "You've already done so much for me, Your Grace." "Understood," the Duke smirked. "I wouldn't want my hand holding on my first day, either." Torrin-Ashur laughed. "No offence intended, sir." "None taken. From what I've seen of you so ...

  • Awakening: Book One of the Berserker Chronicles
    By Kevin D. Miller

    He travels across the realms while struggling to tame the blinding rage that comes with his new demi-god like power. Will Leif survive the intra-realm quest and prevent Ragnarok or will he fail to control his awakening?

  • Awakening: The Blood Rock Prophecy
    By Jason Smith

    Awakening: The Blood Rock Prophecy

  • Awakening
    By Marjorie M. Liu

    "Set in an alternate world of art deco beauty and steampunk horror, Monstress tells the epic story of Maika Halfwolf, a teenage survivor of a cataclysmic war between humans and their hated enemies, the Arcanics.

  • Awakening
    By Karen Payton Holt

    The London of 2010 is a vampire hive where humans are a dying breed, and are imprisoned and syphoned for blood.

  • Awakening: The Life and Ministry of Robert Murray Mccheyne
    By David Robertson

    This contemporary devotional biography traces McCheyne's life and influence from his upbringing, conversion and training for the ministry to the revival that occurred in St Peter's in 1839 and his early death.

  • Awakening
    By Misty Carmony, Wendy Hunyor

    Awakening is the first installment in the Prophecy Chronicles. Life is never the same once you've experienced the awakening.

  • AWAKENING: Brian's Back!
    By Alice Heaver

    One of the patrons was dressed all in black, and she noticed his eyes had a green glow around them. She shivered. “What time is it Ken?” “Let's see.” He lifted his arm to look at his watch. “It's 6:30. I guess your friend isn't coming.

  • Awakening
    By Richard Harries

    After a decade of performing sharply focused observational, protest and war poetry Richard has gathered together a collection of his best known work which is as fresh on the page as it is on the stage.

  • Awakening: A Novel
    By Sharon Bolton, S. J. Bolton

    and tail of a cat, stared at me from the wall opposite the chamber. That was near-human intelligence I could see in its glaring eyes. It looked ready to spring. To my left sat a lion with wings unfurled, ready for flight; ...

  • Awakening: How Gays and Lesbians Brought Marriage Equality to America
    By Nathaniel Frank

    A conservative state assemblyman named William Knight took up the charge. A former career Air Force colonel who set a world record for speed in flying test planes, Knight decided to run for the state senate in 1996, seeking to represent ...

  • Awakening
    By Subrata Das Gupta

    Mukherjee 1968, p. 73. The Oxford English Dictionary (2nd Edition, 1988). Said [1978] 1994. See also, Sahlins 2000. Jones and Teignmouth 1835, pp. 167–8. Mukherjee 1968, p. 20. Everitt 2003. Mukherjee 1968, pp. 30–1.