E. HOPPER: Office in a small city. George A. Hearn Fund, 1953. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. in Kentucky. At that time he invested some money in your grandmother's name. He invested it in an insurance company, ...
Then Les Cocker injures his back while unloading the team kit and is confined to bed for the day. ... On Thursday, aftertheir exertions, the players havea'fun' day with a mini Olympics – sprinting, jumping, bench hurdles, ...
There are 819 rented boxes at the Point Clear post ofiice today, but far fewer were needed then. Metzger once received a letter addressed, “Zelda, Point Clear.” He knew where to put it. He also recalls when stamps were 3 cents and “Air ...
WW2 has just ended and twelve-year-old Rusty comes back home to Britain after being evacuated to the US. The greyness and bleakness of life in England is a shock, but even worse is adapting to the strict discipline of her family, including ...
This is a booklet of brief thoughts and biblical reflections to help you understand the reentry process and keep your heart and mind focused on God."
Even though eight-year-old Ernestine lives with her family up North, "back home" is Lumberton, North Carolina, the place where she was born and where her mama grew up.
After twenty years in New York City, a prize-winning writer takes a "long look back" at his hometown of Mobile, Alabama. In Back Home: Journeys through Mobile, Roy Hoffman...
From a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist comes the story about an ordinary family who is forced to deal with an extraordinary loss, and whose lives are changed forever when their father comes home from Iraq.