Buff's dog Gibson was a Golden Labrador Retriever puppy, a hair-raising furball of energy who was inflicted on our family for a year. Gibson went through a chewing phase that lasted ...
This book blows this theory out of the water, enabling men to transform themselves entirely—to find their mission; to live a life of strength, wisdom, and honor—while working with their positive masculinity instead of against it.
This book provides a unique insight into the history of the culture Marine NCOs as well as important leadership lessons that readers can apply to their own lives.
... author of Pillars of Awesome Relationships 'Backbone is a fabulous title – and it is exactly what David has given me – a spiritual backbone with which I can blast off and accomplish my goals and live my dreams – bravo!!!
On Tuesday September 16, I got a call from my doctor around 5:00 p.m.
With a stunning memoir about a woman and a marriage that begins in attraction and quickly grows violent, Kelley Peyser recounts her experiences as a young woman, devastated by disabling back injuries and then a mother's grief.