Balance Point

  • Balance Point: Poems
    By Ruth F. Eisenberg

    Balance Point: Poems

  • Balance Point
    By Kathy Tyers

    As Han and Leia struggle to help the refugees flooding in to the planet Duro from the Rim worlds invaded by the Yuushan Vong, Jacen Solo must face a crisis of conscience over how to use the Force as a tool for good while battling the evil ...

  • Balance Point: Searching for a Spiritual Missing Link
    By Joseph Jenkins

    Dr. Lucille Boggs, a maverick scientist at a large western university, had been uncovering answers as to why humans remain indifferent to the looming ecological collapse that jeopardizes the world today.

  • Balance Point
    By Kathy Tyers

    So a deal is struck: In exchange for a new home, the refugees will work to restore the planet to health, under the watchful eye of Leia Organa Solo.

  • Balance Point
    By Robert Buettner

    ... Mole Hunt,” is included in this volume after the end of Balance Point. “Mole Hunt” was originally published electronically, as a Baen Free Library short story in 2011. Readers need not have read “Mole Hunt” first in order to fully enjoy ...