Barking At the Moon

  • Barking At the Moon: A Story of Life, Love, and Kibble
    By Tracy Beckerman

    ... Marcia Kester Doyle, Dawn Weber, Katrina Kittle, Cathryn Michon, Cindy Ratzlaff, V. C. Chickering, Jenny Gardiner, Rebecca Regnier, Joel Madison, and James Breakwell, thank you for taking the time to write such glowing reviews!

  • Barking at the Moon
    By Nene Adams

    While investigating the murder of a preacher with dark secrets in his past, Sheriff Annalee Crow stumbles on another secret, this one involving the pale-furred wolves that roam the Georgia forest known as Malingering Deep.

  • Barking at the Moon
    By Lorraine Rayment

    After a family tragedy, the Jackson family is about to get new neighbors.

  • Barking at the Moon
    By Bill Parker

    A collection of new writings, none of which address the existential crises which scar the modern reader's soul when confronted with the dystopian landscape of 21st Century America.Written in the months leading up to his saying goodbye to ...

  • Barking at the Moon
    By R. J. Seeley

    Jake is a hemophobic, Gay, Vampire who's studying for his A-Levels as if he hasn't got enough going on. But one night he bumps into someone who's just as normal as him.

  • Barking at the Moon
    By Bob Spitz

    Barking at the Moon