Basic Arrhythmias includes appendices on Clinical Implications, Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology, 12-Lead Electrocardiography, Basic 12-Lead Interpretation, and Pathophysiology of Arrhythmias.
This new Seventh Edition program features mybradykit, an online site providing extensive study resources, learning tools, and interactive exercises. An access code to mybradykit is provided in the front of the text.
This classic, best-selling book has been completely updated and revised to reflect the latest knowledge in the field.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This classic,...
This new Seventh Edition program features mybradykit, an online site providing extensive study resources, learning tools, and interactive exercises. An access code to mybradykit is provided in the front of the text.
This new Seventh Edition program features mybradykit, an online site providing extensive study resources, learning tools, and interactive exercises. An access code to mybradykit is provided in the front of the text."--Publisher's website.
Covering both theory and practice, deals with electrophysiology, waves and measurements, analyzing EKG rhythm strips, sinus rhythms, arterial rhythms, junctional rhythms, heart blocks, ventricular rhythms, etc.
An electrocardiogram is an image of the electrical conduction of the heart.
Basic Arrhythmias: A Practice Workbook