Correlation is often calculated using the Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient (commonly known as Pearson's ρ), the formula for which is: r=Σ(x−x ̄)(y−y ̄)Σ(x−x ̄)2Σ(y−y ̄)2 where: x = individual exposure x = mean ...
A guide in basic statistics emphasises its practical use in epidemiology and public health, providing understanding of topics such as study design, data analysis and statistical methods used in the execution of medical research.
Sample size and power calculations should always be performed in the planning stage of a study, where they are referred to as a priori calculations (before data are collected). If calculations are done later on, they are called post- ...
Reading this book will help students, researchers, doctors, nurses, and health managers to understand and apply the tools of statistics and epidemiology to their own practice.
This new edition is substantially revised and includes entirely new material on statistical power and sample size. Clearly worded and assuming no prior knowledge, it gives full step-by-step guidance on performing statistical calculations.