
  • Batman: Li'L Gotham Vol. 2
    By Derek Fridolfs, Dustin Nguyen

    The critically acclaimed all-ages series returns in this second volume of Batman: L'il Gotham!

  • Batman: A Death in the Family
    By Marv Wolfman, Jim Starlin, George Perez

    Batman readers were allowed to vote on the outcome of the story and they decided that Robin should die! As the second person to assume the role of Batman's sidekick, Jason Todd had a completely different personality than the original Robin.

  • Batman: The Dark Prince Charming
    By Enrico Marini

    Acclaimed European comics creator Enrico Marini (Eagles of Rome, The Scorpion, Gypsy) makes his American comics debut with this stunning graphic novel showcasing his unique interpretations of Gotham City's most famous heroes and villains.

  • Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2
    By Mariko Tamaki

    Batman is seen by many as judge and executioner of the city's vilest villains.

  • Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 1
    By Paul Jenkins, David Finch

    For things are not quite as they seem... This volume collects Batman: The Dark Knight #1-9

  • Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Vol. 3
    By Rafael Albuquerque, Paul Jenkins, Peter Milligan

    These new tales of Batman from comics writers beyond to explore unusual sides of The Dark Knight, including his relationship with Alfred during his early years as a crimefigher, his method of dealing with super-powered foes, and more.

  • Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 7
    By Francis Manapul, Brian Buccellato

    Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato-the critically acclaimed creative team behind THE FLASH-are back, with Batman!

  • Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 4
    By John Layman

    The Caped Crusader is challenged by the mystery of the 900 in a special tale celebrating the 900th issue published of Detective Comics!

  • Batman: Cover to Cover : the Greatest Comic Book Covers of the Dark Knight
    By Neil Gaiman

    From the noir roots in the forties, silliness of the fifties, camp of the sixties and return to the shadows in the seventies and beyond, this book covers them all.

  • Batman: Bruce Wayne - Fugitive (New Edition)
    By Greg Rucka, Ed Brubaker, Devin Grayson

    While the clues point to a possible setup, no one can deny that those same clues might point to Batman's actual guilt. This new, single-volume edition includes never before reprinted stories.

  • Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham (New Edition)
    By Mike Mignola, Richard Pace

    Join acclaimed comics talents Mike Mignola (Hellboy), Richard Pace (Robert E. Howard’s Savage Sword), and Troy Nixey (Harley Quinn) as they present Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham, a terrifying reimagining of the greatest heroes and ...

  • Batman: The World of the Dark Knight
    By Daniel Wallace

    Graphic Novels.

  • Batman: Das Projekt

    Batman: Das Projekt

  • Batman: The World
    By Various

    DC takes Batman’s war on crime worldwide in a new anthology, Batman: The World. This 160-page book will feature Batman stories by creative teams from across the globe, taking place in their home countries.

  • Batman: Long Shadows
    By Judd Winick

    Written by Judd Winick (BATMAN: UNDER THE RED HOOD) and illustrated by the legendary Mark Bagley (Ultimate Spider-Man), BATMAN: LONG SHADOWS collects BATMAN #687-691.

  • Batman: Fun House of Evil
    By Donald Lemke

    The JOKER escapes from ARKHAM ASYLUM and tricks BATMAN into following him into an old warehouse.

  • Batman: The Heart of Hush
    By Paul Dini

    The villain named Hush, created by comic superstars Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee, makes a dramatic return to the life of Batman.

  • Batman: The Puppet Master's Revenge
    By Donald Lemke

    ... The puppet master's revenge/by Donald Lemke ; illustratedbyRick Burchett. p. cm. (DC super heroes. Batman) ISBN 9781434215604 (lib. bdg.) ISBN 9781434217271 (pbk.) ISBN 9781434298416 (ebook) [1. SuperheroesFiction.] I.Burchett, Rick,ill ...

  • Batman: Poison Ivy's Deadly Garden
    By Blake A. Hoena

    When animals and people begin to disappear in one of GOTHAM CITY'S parks, BATMAN suspects that the deadly POISON IVY and her creepy plants are at work again.

  • Batman: Hush (New Edition)
    By Jeph Loeb

    In this classic tale, Batman sets out to learn the identity of the mysterious villain known as Hush.