Before Columbus

  • Before Columbus: Who Discovered America?
    By Harry Edward Neal

    Who Discovered America? Harry Edward Neal. 50CXNCsCsCNCNC>£vCX^ *^

  • Before Columbus: The Leif Eriksson Expedition
    By Elizabeth Cody Kimmel

    Presents a biography of Leif, son of Norseman Eric the Red, who led a group of Vikings from Greenland on a voyage which ended on the shores of North America--five hundred years before Christopher Columbus.

  • Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491
    By Rebecca Stefoff, Charles C. Mann

    Based on the startling revelations that the author presented in his adult-level 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, this book for young readers is a fascinating full-color journey into the world of the many advanced ...

  • Before Columbus: Exploration and Colonization from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 1229-1492
    By Felipe Fernández-Armesto

    "A welcome addition to the growing literature dedicated to 'Atlantic Studies.'. . . Recommended for the professional scholar, the university student, and the educated public."—History

  • Before Columbus: The Leif Eriksson Expedition: A True Adventure
    By Elizabeth Cody Kimmel

    Five hundred years before Columbus, a young Viking named Leif Eriksson crossed the Atlantic and became the first-known European to set foot in North America. The tale of the crossing has been passed down for 1000 years.

  • Before Columbus

    Describes the dwellings, tools, clothing, customs, and other aspects of daily life of the earliest inhabitants of North America, the Basketmaker Indians and their descendants the Pueblos, as revealed through archaeological exploration.

  • Before Columbus: Early Voyages to the Americas
    By Don L. Wulffson

    Presents the archaeological evidence for and historical theories of the exploration of North America by numerous civilizations long before Columbus, discussing seven groups spanning 146 B.C. to 1492.