A former member of the U.S. Naval Intelligence briefing team reveals information that the government has kept secret since the 1940s, on topics ranging from UFOs and the assassination of JFK to the war on drugs
" -- Anthony Hilder, Radio Free America "William Cooper may be one of America's greatest heros, and this story may be the biggest story in the history of the world." -- Mills Crenshaw, KTALK, Salt Lake City.
In between is the story of the millennium: how a man came to power by urging the people of America to take up arms in a Holy War and the variable that Cobra wasn't counting one: Clarissa, the beautiful and ruthless First Lady.
On her trip home from Rome, Sister Fidelma unexpectedly finds herself in Genoa, where she learns of the imminent death of a former mentor who imparts information about a conspiracy that is triggering murders and a vicious war.
Behold a Pale Horse: A Novel of Homosexuals in the Nazi Holocaust
Behold a Pale Horse: A Novel
A perplexing case of murder and conspiracy in the pagan wilds of Northern Italy In 664 A.D., just after the events detailed in Shroud for the Archbishop, Fidelma of Cashel takes a unexpected detour on her trip home from Rome.
A preacher who becomes president and the Rhodesian-born assassin sent to assassinate him form the central drama in this novel of apocalyptic prophesies. By the author of The House of Pain. Reprint.
Labelled a monster by most, he was considered a hero by some. In time his name would be lost to history, but he would live on in legend, known only as the Pale Rider. This is how his story begins.