Examines the military and political career of the only grandson of a president to become president himself.
... Monroe Hendrik Hertzberg on Jimmy Carter Roy Jenkins on Franklin Delano Roosevelt Zachary Karabell on Chester Alan Arthur William E. Leuchtenburg on Herbert Hoover Timothy Naftali on George Bush Kevin Phillips on I/Villiam McKinley ...
An illustrated biography of Benjamin Harrison, discussing his early life, his military career, his marriages and children, his presidential term, and his post-White House activities.
This biography introduces readers to Benjamin Harrison including his early political career and key events from Harrison's administration including the Sherman Silver Purchase Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act.
The scion of a political dynasty ushers in the era of big government Politics was in Benjamin Harrison's blood.
The book presents an up-to-date and cogent biography of this president who is now considered one of the better presidents of the late nineteenth century.
Benjamin Harrison: Hoosier President: The White House and After 1889-1901
Previously published as part of several differing series, with slightly varying titles.
Each president's term influences events in America and around the world for years to come. This biography introduces young readers to the life of Benjamin Harrison, beginning with his childhood in North Bend, Ohio.