Bernard Shaw

  • Bernard Shaw: 1918-1950, the lure of fantasy
    By Michael Holroyd

    In his first book , a volume of essays called Modern Men and Mummers published in 1921 , Pearson's opening sentence read : “ We moderns are the products of Bernard Shaw . ' Since then modernism had moved elsewhere and modern biography ...

  • Bernard Shaw: The One-Volume Definitive Edition
    By Michael Holroyd

    Ayouthcalled Rankin, sentenced early that year to sixmonths' imprisonment for attempting to blackmailhis father,a schoolmaster, had pleaded guiltyto being adisciple of Bernard Shawas the explanation of his crime.

  • Bernard Shaw
    By Michael Holroyd

    A youth called Rankin , sentenced early that year to six months ' imprisonment for attempting to blackmail his father , a schoolmaster , had pleaded guilty in court to being a disciple of Bernard Shaw as the explanation of his crime .

  • Bernard Shaw
    By Michael Holroyd

    ... 68 Read , Kingsley , IV 23 , 24 Redford , George A. , I 335 , II 227 , 231 , 232 , 235 Redgrave , Vanessa , IV 90 ... 169 Robertson , Johnston Forbes , see ForbesRobertson , Johnston Robertson , Nora , II 194 Robins , Elizabeth , I ...

  • Bernard Shaw: The Diaries, 1885-1897
    By George Bernard Shaw, Stanley Rypins

    Through Shaw the journalist and critic, successively, of books, arts, music, and theater, we confront the writers and books; artists and art; composers, instrumentalists, singers, and conductors, and their music; plays, players, and ...

  • Bernard Shaw: The Ascent of the Superman
    By Sally Peters

    At the home of Chichester Bell he met Bell's father , Alexander Bell , author of the Standard Elocutionist . The senior Bell had been a professor at Shaw's old school , the Wesleyan Connexional , and perhaps for that reason Shaw judged ...

  • Bernard Shaw
    By Michael Holroyd

    ... Stanley Olson , Richard Pankhurst , Enid St John Parry , Molly Patterson , Egon Pearson , Steffen Lauge Pedersen ... John Wilson , J. M. Wilson , J. M. Wilson - Wright , Stephen Winsten , Reece Winstone , Joan Winterkorn , J. Howard ...

  • Bernard Shaw: 1856-1898; The search for love; v.II 1898-1918; The pursuit of power; v.III 1918-1950; The lure of fantasy; v.IV...
    By Michael Holroyd

    Bernard Shaw: 1856-1898; The search for love; v.II 1898-1918; The pursuit of power; v.III 1918-1950; The lure of fantasy; v.IV...

  • Bernard Shaw: A Life
    By Anthony Matthews Gibbs

    A biography about Bernard Shaw.

  • Bernard Shaw: Guide to Research
    By Stanley Weintraub

    Other books that concern Shaw's religious concepts and their background are Anthony S. Abbott's Shaw and Christianity (1965), Samuel A. Yorks's The Evolution of Bernard Shaw (1981), and W. S. Smith's The Bishop of Everywhere (1982).

  • Bernard Shaw
    By Eric Bentley

    Of these the most sensible is probably Bernard Shaw: A Chronicle and an Introduction by R. F. Rattray (London, 1934). That the mere summarizing of Shaw's views is neither very easy nor very profitable is proved by another set of books ...

  • Bernard Shaw: The One-volume Definitive Edition
    By Michael Holroyd

    This is the quintessence of Shaw. The narrative has a new verve and pace, and the light and shade of Shaw's world are more dramatically revealed as Holroyd counterpoints the private and public Shaw with inimitable insight and scholarship.

  • Bernard Shaw: A Critical View
    By Nicholas Grene

    Bernard Shaw: A Critical View

  • Bernard Shaw
    By Michael Holroyd

    This volume is a detailed history of the Dreyfus family and through them France's Jewish community, which spans six generations, from the French Revolution to World War II. At the...

  • Bernard Shaw: A Critical View
    By Nicholas Grene, Allyson Booth

    IO Language and Reality To the common complaint that his plays were 'all talk', Shaw retorted, “it is quite true that my plays are all talk, just as Raphael's pictures are all paint, Michael Angelo's statues all marble, ...

  • Bernard Shaw: His Life And Personality
    By Hesketh Pearson

    First published in 1942, Hesketh Pearson’s much lauded biography has been hailed as the standard work on George Bernard Shaw. Pearson wrote it with the close cooperation of Shaw.

  • Bernard Shaw
    By Hesketh Pearson

    First published in 1942, Hesketh Pearson's much lauded biography has been hailed as the standard work on George Bernard Shaw. Pearson wrote it with the close cooperation of Shaw.

  • Bernard Shaw
    By Michael Holroyd

    This is the quintessence of Shaw. The narrative has a new verve and pace, and the light and shade of Shaw's world are more dramatically revealed as Holroyd counterpoints the private and public Shaw with inimitable insight and scholarship.

  • Bernard Shaw: The One-volume Definitive Edition
    By Michael Holroyd

    When Michael Holroyd's multivolume life of Bernard Shaw was published, it was hailed as a masterpiece. Now the biography is available for the first time in a lively and accessible...