( Rev : SLJ 11/03 ) [ 921 ] 13009 Cooper , Floyd . Coming Home : From the Life of Langston Hughes ( 3–6 ) . Illus . 1994 , Penguin Putnam $ 16.99 ( 0-399-22682-6 ) . 32pp . A sensitive retelling of Langston Hughes's unhappy childhood ...
Langston Hughes : American Poet ( 2-5 ) . Illus . by Catherine Deeter . 2002 , HarperCollins LB $ 16.89 ( 0-06-021519-4 ) . 37pp . This revised , larger - format edition of a 1974 publication gives young readers a look at the ...
BEST BOOKS FOR CHILDREN: Preschool Through Grade 6, 11th Edition
Provides an annotated list of books for children arranged by subject, including literature, biography, the arts, history, geography, business, government, careers, and science.
Best Books for Children: Preschool Through Grade 6
Provides an annotated list of over eleven thousand of the best children's books published
Best Books for Children
This book is the newest edition of the acclaimed guide to the best recreational and educational reading for children in preschool through grade 6.
This indispensable, well-respected volume helps librariansNas well as patrons and teachersNidentify the best of the thousands of books published each year for young readers.