You rely on me for everything—except romance! You've never noticed that behind my neat suits and calm manner I'm a real woman—not just your secretary! I know this infatuation is beyond all reason.
As she reported later, she was particularly offended when Rosenberg attacked her credibility "by suggesting that my testimony was infused with a particular political perspective and by citing selective examples from my work that ...
The author recounts his marriage to Susan Smith, the reasons for the breakdown of their relationship, and the impact on his life of her murder of their two young children
His father and mother, both born in Fiji, werethe offspring of indentured laborers brought from southern India. In theirhome, Hinduism was the religion. Asan infant, Narayan had been dedicated to their multiple Hindu gods.
This book is intended for law academics; readers interested in the multicultural debates.
With relief, she saw his eyes were once again calm. “I am afraid, Kathryn, that for past misdeeds, it is my punishment to love you . . . beyond all reason.” His thumb gently removed a remaining tear at the ...
"stimulating and full of insight" British Journal of Educational Studies "a major work ... provocative, unsettling and profoundly challenging. I think it should be prescribed reading for all vice-chancellors." (Professor...
David Smith describes his marriage with convicted murderer Susan, his coming to terms with the tragedy that cost him his two young sons, and the painful healing process of putting his life back together. Reprint.
The year is 1776, early on in the Revolutionary War: a time of fevered fighting in the North but in the South, as yet, only a low, sporadic belly grumble.
Beyond All Reason is the book on the shocking true story that has captured headlines around the world. On February 12, 1993, ditching school on a Friday, Jon Venables and...
From her first encounter with the living resurrected Lord, to the final page of the book, she teaches in order to walk in the supernatural glory of the Lord, one must put reason aside. The Lord's way, defies all logic.
When Rosalie realises she is in love with a woman, she cancels her wedding and comes out to her parents.
Beyond All Reason
Beyond All Reason
A fascinating story of obedience under fire in the South Pacific. Bounce along the back roads, dine with an international team, sing of God’s glory: Beyond All Reason will both astound you and capture your heart.
Beyond All Reason
Master's Hands Ministries In the summer of 1939, excitement manifested dramatically throughout the environment as they found themselves and their two sons, David and Brad, getting off of the train in Champaign-Urbana and heading to Paxton.
You Can Catch More Flies with Honey Monsters have been acting strangely, working together with their natural enemies.