Beyond the Gates

  • Beyond the Gates: Cc&d MagazIne V252 (the November/December 2014 Issue)
    By John Grey, Janet Kuypers, C. E. C E E

    Writers and artists in this book include poetry by Janet Kuypers, I.B. Rad, Mike Brennan, David Hernandez, Zoe Broome, Madison Gardler, Fritz Hamilton, John Grey, CEE, Bill Yarrow, Eric Burbridge, Bill Kroger, Joshua Copeland, Julie L. ...

  • Beyond the Gates
    By Catherine Wells

    When Marta, a young graduate student, discovers a previously unknown species on Dray's Planet, she defies her religious beliefs to guide two rival scientists through the perils of her homeworld to uncover the truth about the mysterious ...

  • Beyond the Gates
    By Kayla Davenport

    A girl raised by the government.

  • Beyond The Gates
    By Elizabeth Stuart Phelps

    Beyond The Gates

  • Beyond the Gates
    By Elizabeth Phelps

    ' This book, published in 1868, figured as a best seller of that day." -The Literary Digest "It is probably safe to predict that it will be the best read book of the season. For ourselves we must confess to finishing it at one reading.