Biological Oceanography

  • Biological Oceanography
    By Charles B. Miller, Patricia A. Wheeler

    Olson, D.B. (2001) Biophysical dynamics of western transition zones: a preliminary synthesis. Fisheries Oceanography 10: 133–150. ... Pabi, S., van Dijken, G.L. & Arrigo, K.R. (2008) Primary production in the Arctic Ocean, ...

  • Biological Oceanography
    By Charles B. Miller, Patricia A. Wheeler

    Frank, T.A., Porter, M. & Cronin, T.W. (2009) Spectral sensitivity, visual pigments and screening pigments in two life history stages of Gnathophausia ingens. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 89: ...

  • Biological Oceanography: An Introduction
    By Carol M. Lalli, Timothy Richard Parsons

    This is a textbook to biological oceanography describing the major marine environments and the marine organisms living in pelagic and benthic habitats.

  • Biological Oceanography: An Introduction
    By Timothy R. Parsons, Carol Lalli

    You may also complete your request on-line via the Elsevier homepage (, by selecting “Customer Support' and then Obtaining Permissions' British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Lalli, Carol M. Biological ...

  • Biological Oceanography: An Introduction
    By Carol M. Lalli, Timothy Richard Parsons

    The comprehensive coverage of this book encompasses the properties of seawater which affect life in the ocean, classification of marine environments and organisms, phytoplankton and zooplankton, marine food webs, larger marine animals ...

  • Biological Oceanography
    By Charles B. Miller, Patricia A. Wheeler

    Generalized diagram of trophic connections among major ecosystem components in the northern Benguela ecosystem off Namibia. Diet characterizations are from discussions in Heyman and Sumaila (2007). Phytoplankton grazing, heavy dark ...

  • Biological Oceanography: An Early History. 1870 - 1960
    By Eric Mills

    This new edition of Biological Oceanography includes a fresh introduction by the author, as well as an original foreword by noted oceanographer John Cullen.

  • Biological Oceanography: An Early History, 1870-1960
    By Eric L. Mills

    Fifty years into what we might call its second era, biological oceanography's direct relevance to a broad range of marine research—including paleoceanography, marine biogeochemistry, climate modeling, and even questions about climate ...

  • Biological Oceanography: An Introduction
    By Carol M. Lalli, Timothy Richard Parsons

    The comprehensive coverage of this book encompasses the properties of seawater which affect life in the ocean, classification of marine environments and organisms, phytoplankton and zooplankton, marine food webs, larger...

  • Biological Oceanography: An Introduction
    By Susanne Menden-Deuer

    This new edition offers students a firm grounding in the fundamentals of biological oceanography and also provides an enhanced learning experience with numerous illustrations, thorough chapter summaries, and questions with answers and ...

  • Biological Oceanography
    By Martin V. Angel

    Biological Oceanography

  • Biological Oceanography
    By Martin Vivian Angel

    Biological Oceanography