Thalasseus sandvicensis Family Laridae (Gulls, Terns) Size: 15” Season: Summer Habitat: Coastal bays, estuaries, offshore waters, islands The Sandwich Tern is a streamlined, slender seabird that is similar in shape to the Royal Tern but ...
Birds of Florida
See a yellow bird and donít know what it is? No problem! This remarkable field guide features 140 bird species (only Florida birds!) organized by color.
Two renowned Florida birders share their expertise and passion in this wonderful field guide to more than 300 species of birds found in the Sunshine State.
Birds are organized in taxonomic order, keeping families of birds together for easy identification. This is the essential source for the field, both informative and beautiful to peruse.
This little book has been very popular with Florida bird lovers for many years. It identifies 145 seashore, song and predatory birds.