In Black Mass John Gray tears down the religious, political and secular beliefs that we insist are fundamental to the human project and shows us how a misplaced faith in our ability to improve the world has actually made it far worse.
Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1989. O'Connor, Thomas H. South Boston: My Home Town. Boston: Quinlan Press, 1988. ——. Bible, Brahmins, and Bosses: A Short History of Boston. Boston: Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, ...
In Black Mass, celebrated philosopher and critic John Gray explains how utopian ideals have taken on a dangerous significance in the hands of right-wing conservatives and religious zealots.
Now a major film starring Johnny Depp and Benedict Cumberbatch, Sienna Miller and Joel Edgerton.
Explores the relationship between FBI agent John Connolly and Irish mob boss James "Whitey" Bulger, chronicling a corrupt arrangement of information, racketeering, and murder.
... the managingeditor of amagazine called Organ for Radical Action (ORA) forthepast twentyseven years, which standsasorgan for liberation theologyinIndian context. In additiontohis autobiographical book, Karutta Kurbaana (Black Mass), ...
... dictatorship there would be no need for coercion of the masses, for the new regime would exist only to serve them. ... buildings with which hateful memories are associated - the workers' party must not only tolerate these 46 BLACK MASS.
Fascinating, enlightening, and epic in scope, Black Mass looks at the historic and modern faces of Utopian ideology: Society's Holy Grail, but at what price?