In Damascus in February 1840, a Capuchin monk and his servant disappear without a trace. By the end of the day, rumors point at the local Jewish community, a tiny...
Drawing on sources in eight countries and ten languages, Magda Teter tells the history of the antisemitic blood libel myth, whose long shadow extends from premodern monastic chronicles to Facebook.
The first book investigating the recent historiography of the ritual murder accusation
Good,No Highlights,No Markup,all pages are intact, Slight Shelfwear,may have the corners slightly dented, may have slight color changes/slightly damaged spine.
Blood Libel is the first book-length study to analyze the recent historiography of the ritual murder accusation and to consider these debates in the context of intellectual and cultural history as well as methodology.
... I Have Always Loved the Holy Tongue.” Carlebach, Divided Souls, 174. See also Lucia Raspe, “Minhag and Migration: A Yiddish Custom Book from Venice, 1553,” Early Modern Workshop: Jewish History Resources, 2010, available at www ...