Bodyscapes: Images of Human Anatomy from the Collections of St. Andrews University
We go to the desert to seek visions, to commune with nature in its purest, wildest form and to find artistic inspiration. The photography of Jean Paul Bourdier captures beautifully the ethos of "finding more than we seek".
Bodyscapes studies the concept of embodiment and the corpus as an organizing structure. Examining the relationship between nature and culture through the prism of the body, this exhibition brings together...
Bodyscapes: The Art of Sensual Light began as a conduit for experimenting with new lighting ideas, post-processing, and workflow.
A beautiful study of the human form in Bodyscapes and Artistic Nudes, in a wonderfully printed 42 page book! Black and White images printed on high quality lustre paper, bring out the contrast of light and shadow on the human body.
A thin crack of light glimpses the edge of a body. The definition dictates the Idea, Time dictates the detail. An exploration of the human form in brilliant black and white. Creating bodyscapes of pure beauty.
Bodyscapes: Poems