The seeds of BOOK OF DAYS were planted during the author’s student days at Northwestern by a visiting French professor of intellectual European history.
... without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Nelson Books titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use.
The couples shared of the Boston Forbes family a taste for Democratic politics, Danish Modern furnishings, ambitious cooking, and good wines bought cheaply by the case. These two South Philadelphia boys achieved a lot and traveled an ...
THE STORY: When murder roars through a small Missouri town, Ruth Hoch begins her own quest to find truth and honesty amid small town jealousies, religion, greed and lies.
It's entry pages identify Months and Days but not a specific year. At the end of each month are additional note pages. The writer includes the year with each entry they create allowing them to use their "Book of Days" for a lifetime.
. . Whatever the subject, Emily Fox Gordon’s disarmingly personal essays are an art form unto themselves—reflecting and revealing, like mirrors in a maze, the seemingly endless ways a woman can lose herself in the modern world.
A young video producer suffering from memory loss sets off in search of God's book of days--described in Psalm 139--that has recorded the past, present and future of every soul on earth. Original.
A young video producer suffering memory loss goes in search of God's book of days--described in Psalm 139--that has recorded the past, present, and future of every soul on Earth. 400 pp. (January)
Book of Days: An Encyclopedia of Information Sources on Historical Figures and Events, Keyed to Calendar Dates
The second installment of the New Rebellion Series, Book of Days is a power-packed daily supplement designed to kick-start each day.
... THE AMERICAN THEATER CRITICS ASSOCIATION Acclaimed by Frank Rich as " a writer who illuminates the deepest dramas of American life with poetry and compassion , " Lanford Wilson is one of the most esteemed American playwrights of our ...