Through different facets of the U.S. immigration system, Borderlines explores how power and profit are perpetuated by the divisions between migrant and citizen and the resulting dehumanization of both.
Explorations of some border lines between words and Silence. A variety of images and questions are used to enhance an appreciation of how words are used, what they seem to do best, as well as what they can't quite seem to say.
First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Ici Repose CĂ©lestin August The wind was playing with your hair I wanted to tear the little monument from the family tomb and let the mountain plants go to seed in your womb . Outside the churchyard walls a red tractor tussled with the ...
Travels in Thailand and Burma in 1986, learning about the spiritual traditions of forest Buddhism.
With fresh readings of the works, careers, and volatile receptions of Felicia Hemans, M. J. Jewsbury, Lord Byron, and John Keats, the authors show how senses (and sensations) of gender shape and get shaped by sign systems that prove to be ...
A tale of a journey to a temple in the north of Thailand to learn about Buddhism which becomes instead a traveler's eye view of life in upcountry Thailand adn...
The familiar, heartbreaking stories of dangerous treks, migrant exploitation, asylum, family separation and detention all have their roots in the material conditions of the dominant economic system.
The essays in this collection "write" borderlines from a wide variety of perspectives, representing diverse disciplines, cultural backgrounds, countries, and generations.
Borderlines: Recent Sydney Photographs : Suzi Coyle, Anne Ferran, Martyn Jolly, Jacky Redgate, Dina Tourvas