
  • Bosnian: Rethinking Reform in Higher Education
    By Ziauddin Sardar & Jeremy Henzell-Thomas

    The Reform in Higher Education in Muslim Societies is in sum a paradigm shift in perspective ‎driven by important considerations including the aims of education itself.

  • Bosnian: Ibn Ashur
    By Muhammad Al-Tahir Ibn Ashur

    ... njegova vezanost za imetak nakon smrti beznačajna osim kao stvar kurioziteta (fudul). Također je uzeo u obzir da ... (2:180). Kasnije je ova odredba o oporuci derogirana uspostavljanjem kategoričkih pravila o nasljeđivanju koji. 633 Usp ...

  • Bosnian: Authentication of Hadith
    By Israr Ahmad Khan

    The study traces in careful detail the historical development of the ‎oral and written traditions, as well as the many targeted attempts at fabrication that took place, ‎critiquing in methodical detail certain Hadith which have come to ...

  • Bosnian: Mapiranje sekularnog uma
    By Dr. Haggag Ali

    The secular mind had a grand plan, to establish an earthly paradise, a utopia of the here and now, a modern civilization governed by human reason, rationality, and the triumph of progress.

  • Bosnian: Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil
    By Katherine Bullock

    This book ‎also includes an extensive bibliography on topics related to Muslim women and the veil.‎

  • Bosnian: Rađanje Novih Epistemologija
    By Ziauddin Sardar

    ... finansijska ili politička prednost. (Martinez, 2016, Owen, 2015) Toksično znanje se zasniva na „uvjerenosti u ... inteligencija (AI), oblik inteligencije sa kojim se nikada prije nismo susretali. Ne znamo kako sistemi umjetne ...