In The Battle for God Karen Armstrong talks about two traditions of truth in the Western world, myth and logos. The first, she explains, is religious and the second, from the Enlightenment forward, secular.
Doyle, Arthur Conan. The Lost World and Other Stories. Wordsworth Editions Limited, 1995. Doyle, Debra, and James D. Macdonald. By Honor Betray'd. Tor, 1994. Dozois, Gardner, ed. The Good New Stuff. St. Martin's, 1999. ___, ed.
From Narnia to a Space Odyssey: The War of Ideas between Arthur C. Clarke and C. S Lewis. Ed. by Ryder W. Miller. iBooks, 2003. Hollow, John. Against the Night, the Stars: The Science Fiction ofArthur C. Clarke. Harcourt Brace, 1983.
Fifteen specially commissioned essays from distinguished authors explore the place of the writer, past and present, the value of critical thinking, and the power of the written word.
In addition, the book demonstrates how many words we consider everyday vocabulary - words like "spacesuit," "blast off," and "robot" - had their rootsin imaginative literature, and not in hard science.Brave New Words was first published in ...
This simple concept book provides both a fun gift and an interesting talking point sure to please word enthusiasts everywhere.
Brave New Words: Studies in Spanish Golden Age Literature