Gordon Turnbull, the RAF psychologist and counselor, had arrived in Cyprus to oversee the recuperative phase. “What have you got there?" he asked Mugger as he spotted him heading for the library. “Videos for the lads.
Under the command of Sergeant Andy McNab, they were to sever the underground communication link between Baghdad and north-west Iraq, and to seek and destroy mobile Scud launchers. Their call sign: BRAVO TWO ZERO.
This is their story. Filled with no-holds-barred detail about McNab's capture and excruciating torture, it tells of men tested beyond the limits of human endurance... and of the war you didn't see on CNN.
This book is a chronicle of courage, endurance and dark humour in circumstances for which McNab and his men became what is believed to be the most highly decorated patrol since the Boer War.
Reprint. quot;I'll tell you who destroyed the scuds -- it was the British SAS. They were fabulous." -- John Major, British Prime Minister. This is their story. Filled with
Their call-sign was Bravo Two-Zero, and their mission, under the command of Sergeant Andy McNab, was to sever the underground communication link between Baghdad and north-west Iraq, and to seek and destroy mobile Scud launchers before ...