... Chronic fatigue syndrome Multiple sclerosis Chronic kidney disease Parkinson's disease Chronic pain Seizure disorder Coronary artery disease Sleep apnea Diabetes Stroke Fibromyalgia Vitamin deficiencies (possibly folate, vitamin D, ...
Teasdale JD, Segal ZV, Williams JMG, Ridgeway VA, Soulsby JM, & Lau MA. (2000). Prevention of relapse/recurrence in major depression by mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68(4), 615–623.
In this book, author Jesse Davidson explores the power of maintaining positive thinking even in the face of life's biggest challenges.
A Balanced Biblical Strategy for Emotional Freedom Linda Mintle, Ph.D. the express grocery line with thirty items in her cart! ... So let's begin by understanding what depression is and how we can break free from this condition.
Full of commonsense suggestions coupled with the latest in natural remedies, these books equip the reader in the fight for good health.Deftly woven into his sound advice, David Hazard offers a unique Christian perspective as he addresses ...