... in H. Schneider (ed.), Internationales handbuch der lariminologie (Berlin: de Gruyter), 333-58. (2009), 'Crime propensity, criminogenic exposure and crime involvement in early to mid adolescence', Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und ...
... in H. Schneider (ed.), Internationales handbuch der lariminologie (Berlin: de Gruyter), 333-58. (2009), 'Crime propensity, criminogenic exposure and crime involvement in early to mid adolescence', Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und ...
Ryan “Dash” Hayes has a penchant for breaking the rules.
Sometimes, the lessons of childhood are damaging enough that, by eighteen, you've figured out some rules so you don't repeat your parents' mistakes.
Who else knew about that job but Alec? I'm crushed. This is why I don't do relationships.Third-grade teacher Lumen Browne and multi-billionaire CEO Alec McCrae are an unlikely couple, but they're willing to defy the odds.
This is indeed a powerful heuristic, and highly generative of new ideas—some of them worth holding on to.
Breaking Rules: Generating and Exploring Alternatives in Language Teaching