Filled with wit, humanity and marvelous inside stories of Hollywood and television, Breaking the Silence is the story of Mariette's triumphant journey to hope, courage and a happy new life-a work as warm and engaging as the woman herself.
Culled From Hundreds Of Interviews And Remarkable Encounters, This Book Is An Extraordinary Testament To The New Empowerment Of Women Around The World.
This volume demonstrates the power of art therapy as a tool for intervening with children from violent homes. Emphasis is given to the short-term setting where time is at a...
Breaking the Silence: Voices of Women from Around the World
Helen Chenut's deft translation and comprehensive introduction shows us complex universe inhabited by young women of North African descent in contemporary France."—Susanna Barrows, author of Drinking: Behavior and Belief in Modern History ...
The story Naomi Nelson tells reveals shocking truths about the church life that a large number of people seem to cover up and walk around in denial as though everything was all right.
... nature so do run. The great and mighty oceans do forestall the power of the Mighty God of all. The bees, the grass and air talk to the Poet's ear. Ah, the Poet's ear, marvelous to hear of the wisdom and the beauty of Nature's world ...
Vulnerably she steps forward to be a voice, an advocate and encourager to others in the same shoes still holding back their own stories. Powerfully, she is breaking the silence one tale, trick and triumph at a time.
Edited by former political prisoner Putu Oka Sukanta, this is a collection of accounts from people around the Indonesian archipelago who experienced the violence of 1965-1966.
The book is divided into fifteen chapters, each of which provides a detailed account of a specific aspect of the survivor's journey.
Something awful has happened to Deco and keeping this terrible secret is tearing him apart.
Too many practitioners and scientists maintain "us-versus-them" attitudes and are extremely reluctant to admit any personal or family experiences of mental illness. This culture of concealment must change, and this book will change it.
"The story of Eduard Schulte, the German industrialist who risked everything to oppose the Nazis and was the first to tell the world of the fate of the Jews in...
Silence is made to be broken.
A program you can use for time limited clients suffering from sexual abuse! Breaking the Silence: Group Therapy for Childhood Sexual Abuse guides you through initial establishment and group...
Also includes questions for discussion and suggestions for using the book for training or as a youth and adult education tool.
Ellen Grünkemeier is a lecturer and researcher in the English Department at Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany. Her publications include two co-edited volumes on postcolonial literatures and cultures, Listening to Africa.
... spontaneous expression or what some may call " free " art expression . Spontaneous , expression means nondi- rected experiences in drawing , painting , collage , sculpting , or constructing in which the child may choose materials and ...
All contributors to this resource are part of an international forum on education about slavery, and the contents closely follow the themes of the UNESCO originated initiative, Breaking the Silence.