... Chris Farrell, Michael Kyle, Katie Johnson, Fred Senn, Jack Rayburn, Terry Lahti, Owen Sammelson, Brian Zucker, Pam Horne, Scott Friedhoff, Rod Oto, Shelly Regan, Jon Boeckenstedt, Nathan Mueller, Gary McVey, and John Olson.
When a sophisticated group of saboteurs launches a series of attacks designed to bring down the world's technological networks, a dedicated team of experts assembles to find out if the responsible individuals are right-wing militias, ...
Air Force Combat Controller Dallas O'Halloran has a reputation as a hell-raising ladykiller.
In this fascinating look at the future of business and technology, neuroscientist and entrepreneur Jeff Stibel shows how the brain can act as a guide to understanding the future of the internet and the constellation of businesses and ...
As the cold war winds down, forces within the old Soviet guard struggle to retain the superiority by launching a desperate move into Western Europe.
Breakpoint: A Novel
Richard A. Clarke, geboren 1951 in Pennsylvania, war mehr als drei Jahrzehnte lang im Weißen Haus, im State Department und im Pentagon als Berater für vier US-Präsidenten tätig.
Breakpoint: A Novel about Winning
Elizabeth (Betsy) Aoki is a poet, fiction writer, and video game producer. Her first book, Breakpoint, is a 2019 National Poetry Series Finalist and winner of Tebot Bach's Patricia Bibby First Book Award.
An insightful look at the American environmental crisis and emerging solutions from the heartland to the coasts in the era of global climate change Eminent ecologist Jeremy B. C. Jackson and award-winning journalist Steve Chapple traveled ...
Practical and compelling, Breakpoint will help higher education leaders make choices that advance their institutional values and serve their students and the common good for generations to come.
When a sophisticated group of saboteurs launches a series of attacks designed to bring down the world's technological networks, a dedicated team of experts assembles to find those responsible.
Breakpoint: A matter of life and death. Reader 4