The concept for the collaborative was further solidified as a result of grant funding received from the Health Resources and Services Administration and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The requirements of these grants ...
This book describes all the ways breakthrough companies separate themselves from their rivals, including: Starting and managing the success cycle Focusing on a single core strategy Understanding competitive realities and opportunities ...
In this second volume of Breakthrough: From Innovation to Impact, The Owls Foundation offers a new series of case studies and interviews, including how Paul Polman reshaped Unilever, FW de Klerk's involvement in the Global Leadership ...
One of the most celebrated of these discoveries was made by Alexander Fleming . In 1928 Fleming noticed that a mold culture growing on a Petri dish in his laboratory secreted a juice that killed bacteria . Around every culture of the ...
Breakthrough: Disability Awareness for Young People
... downside to being "different" and pursuing your mojo pales into insignificance compared to the costs and consequences of not doing so. Considerheroes like Sir John Wilson who, having lost his sightina school chemistry lab experiment ...
Breakthrough: A Theory of Teenage Evangelism
Phillips Petroleum Phillips Business Information System captured and delivered real - time inventory , price , and volume data for petrochemicals to field decision - makers , doubling ROI in one year . Plains Cotton Cooperative Still a ...
Breakthrough takes on our cultural assumptions to show that the barriers that once blocked a woman's ascent to the presidency have fallen, even more than we realize.
Yale University Press; 1996), Ian Passingham, Pillars of Fire: The Battle of Messines Ridge June 1917 (Stroud: Sutton Publishing; 1998), Michael S. Neiberg, Foch: Supreme Allied Commander in the Great War (Washington, D.C.: Brassey's; ...
eric. HOlder. Veritas. Rule. #33: You will get a wave of creative adrenaline from time to time. Go with it. ... case against the New Black Panthers, he spent his time challenging state laws that require government-issued ID to vote.
Unlike the Nazis, who simply wanted “fit” women to outbreed the “unfit,” Sanger did not want the “unfit” to breed at all. After making the calls, however, I had run out of both time and money to do anything with the audio we gathered.
Breakthrough: Rediscovering the Holy Spirit
Charting the spellbinding stories of the scientists who predicted and discovered the existence of unknown planets, black holes, invisible force fields, ripples in the fabric of space-time, unsuspected subatomic particles and even antimatter ...
Charting the spellbinding stories of the scientists who predicted and discovered the existence of unknown planets, black holes, invisible force fields, ripples in the fabric of space-time, unsuspected subatomic particles and even antimatter ...
Each chapter in the book reflects major opportunities for humanity. These are not predictions for what will happen but are informed conjectures about what could happen if leaders make the right choices to promote the right circumstances.
The mystery of capital: Why capitalism triumphs in the west and fails everywhere else. Basic Books. Home, R. and Lim, H., 2004. Introduction to Demystifying the Mystery of Capital. London: The GlassHousePress. pp. 1–10.
This book provides the breakthrough concepts needed for developing precise, validated, data-driven instruction personalized to each and every student.
When Joyce Smith's fourteen-year-old son John fell through an icy Missouri lake one winter morning, she and her family had seemingly lost everything. At the hospital, John lay lifeless for more than sixty minutes.