Bridge For Dummies

  • Bridge For Dummies
    By Eddie Kantar

    Each of the players must follow suit, meaning that they must play a card in the suit that's led if they have one. ... A trick! Whoever has played the highest heart takes the trick. One trick down and only 12 to go — you're on a roll!

  • Bridge For Dummies
    By Eddie Kantar

    unequally. divided. diamonds. In Figure 2-5, you can see that South holds four diamonds (♢K, ♢Q, ♢J, and ♢5), while North holds only two (♢A and ♢2). When one partner holds more cards in a suit, the suit is unequally divided.

  • Bridge For Dummies
    By Eddie Kantar

    Even if you have played bridge before, this book still has much to offer you. Author Eddie Kantar condenses his fifty years of experience with the game into tips and hints that can make you a better player.

  • Bridge For Dummies
    By Eddie Kantar, Edwin B. Kantar

    Bridge boot camp — get a bird's-eye view of the game, from counting and taking sure tricks to using winning tricks and outsmarting your opponents at notrump play Trump the competition — discover the special know-how you need to bring ...

  • Bridge For Dummies
    By Eddie Kantar

    As you read this chapter on defensive play against notrump contracts, you may notice how similar defensive play is to the play ... When you play defense, planning your plays becomes much harder because you can't see your partner's hand.