Sir Charles (1836–1905), 658 Wilson, Edward A. (1822–1912), 652 Wilson, G.W., photographer, 164 Wilson, George, 799 Wilson, H.J., MP, 1006 Wilson, Sir Henry (1864–1922),564 Wilson, J.B. (d 1949), collection, 764 Wilson, James Maurice ...
... 253 Newall, Walter, architect, 294 Newark Museum, 915 Newark Priory, Strood, 1062 Newbigin, James Edward Lesslie, missionary, 107B Newburgh Friendly Society, 271 Newby Hall Estate, 506 Newcastle College 768 Alphabetical Listing.
... antiquarian 161 Hunter, John (1728–93)455,500 Hunter, William (1718–83) 208,455 Hunter-Baillie Collection 455 Hunterian Society 472 Hutcheson-Hill family 212 Hutt-Proudfoot Collection 271 Hutton, J.H., anthropologist 576 Hutton, ...
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Matthews, N.: Materials for West African History in the Archives of the United Kingdom (London: Athlone Press, 1973). ... A Guide to Manuscripts and Documents in the British Isles relating to Africa (London: OUP, ...
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British Archives: A Guide to Archive Resources in the United Kingdom