The friendship between Ennis del Mar and Jack Twist, two cowboys, evolves into an intimate relationship while they are working together as a herder and camp tender, sharing a bond that spans many years and frequent separations.
The friendship between Ennis del Mar and Jack Twist, two cowboys, evolves into an intimate relationship while they are working together as a herder and camp tender, sharing a bond that spans many years and frequent separations.
It won the National Magazine Award. It also won an O. Henry Prize. Included in this volume is Annie Proulx's haunting story about the difficult, dangerous love affair between a ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy.
It won the National Magazine Award. It also won an O. Henry Prize. Included in this volume is Annie Proulx's haunting story about the difficult, dangerous love affair between a ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy.
Brokeback Mountain: Secreto en la Montana
They are 'country boys with no prospects', glad to have found one another's company where none had been expected. But, suddenly, companionship becomes something else on Brokeback Mountain: something not looked for, something deadly!
Brokeback Mountain: Geschichten aus Wyoming
Brokeback Mountain : un bout de terre sauvage, hors du temps, dans les plaines du Wyoming.
Brokeback Mountain: och andra berättelser från vidderna
barmaid, mirror each other in terms of desire for the object of affection, but the hetero- centric pull can only ever confirm the normative position that will couple Wade and the barmaid (let us not also forget that Wade is played by ...
Die raubeinigen Naturburschen Jack und Ennis werden auf Brokeback Mountain als Schafhirten engagiert.
Brokeback Mountain: nouvelle extraite du recueil " Les pieds dans la boue "
A stand alone edition of Annie Proulx’s beloved story “Brokeback Mountain” (in the collection Close Range)—the basis for the major motion picture directed by Ang Lee, starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger, screenplay by Larry ...
Brokeback Mountain: historier fra Wyoming
I novellen som ligger bakom den framgångsrika storfilmen skildrar Annie Proulx närgånget och på driven prosa den komplicerade relationen mellan två cowboyer, vars kärlek överlever allt - utom intoleransen i en våldsam omvärld.
An innovative study of the successful indie film Brokeback Mountain.
This new novel is set in the beautiful wild landscape of Wyoming among cowboys. It recounts the relationship over twenty years of two ranch hands, drop-out country boys with no...
This book examines Brokeback Mountain in relation to indie cinema, genre, spectatorship, editing, and homosexuality.