Building Community: Reforming Math and Science Education in Rural Schools : a Report on the National Science Foundation's Rural Systemic...
An international survey of the most inventive contemporary apartment buildings, to inspire architects, developers, urban planners, and informed city dwellers
Lloyd Dobyns , “ Ed Deming Wants Big Changes and He Wants Them Fast , " Smithsonian , 21 , no . 5 ( August 1990 ) : 77 ; and Lloyd Dobyns , “ If Japan Can Do It , Why Can't We ? " NBC News . 7. W. Edwards Deming , On the Management of ...
Sorenson, and James MacGregor Burns (MA: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2004). 15. Information in this case study was adapted from: Sustainable Rural Development in Romania, Final Report. Prepared by ISC and CET April 2003. 16.
Insights from psychology, group theory, and theology are knit together to create a primer for Christian communities. Especially helpful are insights into conflict, forgiveness, decision-making, intimacy, and confrontation.
The book includes sidebars and content that will attract local history buffs, funeral industry insiders, and institutions closely aligned with the Buchanan family over the past 150 years.
This innovative text demonstrates how social science theory and research can be applied to successful collaborative work with community groups.
The book also includes interviews with such contemporary masters of apartment design as Michael Maltzan, Lorcan O'Herlihy, Édouard François and Bjarke Ingels.
This is essential reading for community leaders, activists, planners, policymakers, and students looking to help their communities thrive.
This is essential reading for community leaders, activists, planners, policymakers, and students looking to help their communities thrive. A highly insightful, down-to-earth leadership manual.
Soon you will see the bigger picture and can begin to make plans. Chapter 14, Steps to Large-Scale Change, is the how-you-go-about-it section. Finally, this book doesn't let you forget you are doing God's work.
Building community is the work of everyone.
This ground-breaking book documents a radically different and very successful approach to community capacity building that builds on the strengths inherent in the community rather than focusing on its perceived deficits.