Personhood: Their. Nexus. with. the. Trafficking. of. Human. Beings. Karen. E. Bravo. Abstract Who is a 'person?' Are all human beings 'persons'? Are victims, prisoners, legal immigrants, or individuals who have been trafficked ...
Untangling some of the thorny issues around what causes and constitutes bullying, including how to think differently about overlapping phenomena such as racism, sexism, homophobia, or sexual harassment, Faye Mishna presents an exhaustive ...
Bullying tackles situations including: physical bullying, frenemies, cyberbullying, and when you might be the bully. The book includes top tips for dealing with your emotions and conflict resolution.
The leading Swiss bullying researcher, Professor Françoise Alsaker (Psychology Department at the University of Berne), and the film maker, Ruedi Welten, have produced a very moving documentary film 'Bullying Is Not Child's Play' ...
The Ultimate Teen Guide Mathangi Subramanian. The filmmakers worked hard to publicize the movie because they wanted to raise awareness about how much more needs to be done to address and prevent bullying.i The director, Lee Hirsch, ...
Topics covered in this book include: -What makes a bully -The impact bullying has on victims, perpetrators, and witnesses -Types of bullying, such as sexual harassment and dating violence -Cyberbullying -What to do if you are bullied ...
Explores the many types of bullying in public schools and examines the effects bullying can have on the lives of students, their parents, and their teachers.
Read this title to learn about what bullying is, who it affects, and how it can be prevented. Get the facts about why some children are bullies and how to avoid being bullied. Bullying can be scary. No one deserves to be bullied.
Examines what bullying is, why bullies behave the way they do, and why victims take the abuse, and discusses ways that people are working to end bullying and make the world more secure for children.
Written by a life-long middle school educator and veteran collaborator on effective anti-bully campaigns, this unique book tackles the topic of bullying in a creative and thought-provoking way.
... , 3. H.M. Prison Service (1993) Bullying in Prison: A Strategy to Beat it. London: Home Office. H.M. Prison Service (1994) The Personal Officer. London: Home Office. Howard League (1995) Banged up, Beaten up, Cutting up: Report.
This book is based on the premise that bullying is learned behaviour that has to be challenged wherever it occurs, be it in families, schools, or to other community contexts.
Bullying makes children lonely, unhappy and frightened. Tackling bullying and its side-effects can be a very delicate business, and each case is unique.
Bullying makes children lonely, unhappy and frightened. Tackling bullying and its side-effects can be a very delicate business, and each case is unique.
... ...35 You know the expression, two's company but three's a crowd? A crowd is a brilliant way of deterring bullies. Changing schools............................................................................................
Others suffer more - and take their own lives. So is bullying normal? This book shows how to understand and deal with the bullying that occurs everyday in streets, schools, and the digital world, exploding some myths along the way.
This important text presents bullying as a health issue and proposes effective strategies for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention based on current scientific research of aggressive behaviors.