See Roger E. Axtell , Do's and Taboos Around the World , 2d . ed . ( New York : Wiley , 1990 ) . The example and the following discussion are based on Axtell's review of CHAPTER 5 Listening in the Communication Environment W e have.
... T. J. , 238–239 Phillips , J. D. , 171 Poole , M. S. , 205 , 207 , 213 , 218 Porter , J. L. , 204 , 208 Posvar ... Jr. , 257–258 Roethlisberger , F. J. , 57 Rogers , C. R. , 57 , 68 Rosenblatt , S. B. , 219 Rosenthal , R. , 11 Ross ...
According to Hamilton (1996), poor presenters often make the mistake of either relying solely on their own knowledge or relying solely on the Internet. Either way, a lack of research results in a poor presentation.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
According to Dennis Gouran (1982/1990), a leading scholar in group communication, decision making is “the act of choosing among a set of alternatives under conditions that necessitate choice” (p. 3). Problem solving involves not only ...
Includes bibliographical references and index.
With an emphasis on building skills for business writing and professional presentations, this text empowers you to successfully handle important work-related activities, including job interviewing, working in team, strategically utilizing ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Revised edition of the authors' Business and professional communication, 2013.
Centered on the notion that business communication can influence the interpretation of issues and events, the Sixth Edition provides students with practical tips, contemporary applications, and a survey of the relevant contexts for business ...
Unique to the market, this text includes a dedicated chapter focused on perspective-taking: covering the processes of person-perception; common perceptual errors; the self-serving bias and the fundamental attribution error; the self-concept ...
The authors present the fundamentals of business communication in every stage of professional life: writing résumés, preparing for interviews, securing a job, communicating with colleagues and supervisors, working on a team, and advancing ...
This text's comprehensive topic coverage provides clear guidance for all communication practices in businesses and organizations.
The book addresses both written and verbal skill sets through a combination of forward thinking methodology and foundational techniques.
With an emphasis on building skills for business writing and professional presentations, this text empowers students to successfully handle important work-related activities, including job interviewing, working in team, strategically ...
REVEL™ for Business and Professional Communication is organized around five fundamental principles of communication, providing a useful pedagogical framework for the reader.
Presenting an exciting new approach to teaching the core concepts and techniques of business and professional communication, Business and Professional Communication: KEYS for Workplace Excellence, Second Edition by Kelly M. Quintanilla and ...
Young and Travis liken the career-building process to creating an image or brand that employers recognize as a good fit for their companies.
With an emphasis on building skills for business writing and professional presentations, this text empowers you to successfully handle important work-related activities, including job interviewing, working in team, strategically utilizing ...
Organized around the transition from student to professional life, Business and Professional Communication, Fifth Edition gives readers the tools they need to move from interview candidate to team member to leader.